Source code for kyoto_reader.reader

import gzip
import io
import logging
import os
import pickle
import tarfile
import zipfile
from collections import ChainMap
from concurrent import futures
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Iterable, Collection, Any, BinaryIO, TextIO

from .constants import ALL_CASES, ALL_COREFS, SID_PTN, SID_PTN_KWDLC
from .document import Document

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ArchiveType(Enum): """Enum for file collection types.""" TAR_GZ = '.tar.gz' ZIP = '.zip'
ArchiveFile = Union[tarfile.TarFile, zipfile.ZipFile]
[docs]class ArchiveHandler:
[docs] def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: self.path: Path = path self.type: ArchiveType = self._get_type(path) self.members: List[str] = self._list_members()
@staticmethod def _get_type(path: Path) -> ArchiveType: assert path.is_file() is True if str(path).endswith(ArchiveType.TAR_GZ.value): return ArchiveType.TAR_GZ elif str(path).endswith(ArchiveType.ZIP.value): return ArchiveType.ZIP else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported archive type: {path}') def _list_members(self) -> List[str]: if self.type == ArchiveType.TAR_GZ: with, mode='r') as f: return f.getnames() elif self.type == ArchiveType.ZIP: with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode='r') as f: return f.namelist() else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported archive type: {self.type}')
[docs] @contextmanager def open(self) -> ArchiveFile: file = None try: if self.type == ArchiveType.TAR_GZ: file =, mode='r') elif self.type == ArchiveType.ZIP: file = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode='r') else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported archive type: {self.type}') yield file finally: hasattr(file, 'close') and file.close()
[docs] @contextmanager def open_member(self, archive: ArchiveFile, member: str) -> BinaryIO: file = None try: if self.type == ArchiveType.TAR_GZ: file = archive.extractfile(member) elif self.type == ArchiveType.ZIP: file = else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported archive type: {self.type}') yield file finally: hasattr(file, 'close') and file.close()
[docs] @classmethod def is_supported_path(cls, path: Path) -> bool: return any(str(path).endswith(t.value) for t in ArchiveType)
[docs]class FileType(Enum): """Enum for file types.""" GZ = '.gz' # XZ = '.xz' UNCOMPRESSED = ''
[docs]class FileHandler:
[docs] def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: self.path: Path = path self.type: FileType = self._get_type(path)
@property def content_basename(self) -> str: if self.type == FileType.UNCOMPRESSED: return return[:-len(self.type.value)] @staticmethod def _get_type(path: Path) -> FileType: if path.suffix == FileType.GZ.value: return FileType.GZ return FileType.UNCOMPRESSED
[docs] @contextmanager def open(self, *args, **kwargs) -> TextIO: file = None try: if self.type == FileType.GZ: file =, *args, **kwargs) elif self.type == FileType.UNCOMPRESSED: file =*args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported collection type: {self.type}') yield file finally: hasattr(file, 'close') and file.close()
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: return self.path < other.path
[docs]class KyotoReader: """A class to manage a set of corpus documents. Compressed file is supported. However, nested compression (e.g. .knp.gz in zip file) is not supported. Args: source (Union[Path, str]): 対象の文書へのパス。ディレクトリが指定された場合、その中の全てのファイルを対象とする target_cases (Optional[Collection[str]]): 抽出の対象とする格。(default: 全ての格) target_corefs (Optional[Collection[str]]): 抽出の対象とする共参照関係(=など)。(default: 全ての関係) extract_nes (bool): 固有表現をコーパスから抽出するかどうか (default: True) relax_cases (bool): ガ≒格などをガ格として扱うか (default: False) knp_ext (str): KWDLC または KC ファイルの拡張子 (default: knp) pickle_ext (str): Document を pickle 形式で読む場合の拡張子 (default: pkl) use_pas_tag (bool): <rel>タグからではなく、<述語項構造:>タグから PAS を読むかどうか (default: False) n_jobs (int): 文書を読み込む処理の並列数。0: 並列処理なし、-1: コア数 (default: -1) did_from_sid (bool): 文書IDを文書中のS-IDから決定する (default: True) Note: サポートされる入力パス (i.e. `source` argument) - 単一ファイル (.knp, .knp.gz, .pkl, .pkl.gz) - 単一ファイルを含むディレクトリ - 単一非圧縮ファイルを含むアーカイブファイル (.tar.gz, .zip) """
[docs] def __init__(self, source: Union[Path, str], target_cases: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, target_corefs: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, extract_nes: bool = True, relax_cases: bool = False, use_pas_tag: bool = False, knp_ext: str = '.knp', pickle_ext: str = '.pkl', n_jobs: int = -1, did_from_sid: bool = True, ) -> None: if not (isinstance(source, Path) or isinstance(source, str)): raise TypeError(f"document source must be Path or str type, but got '{type(source)}' type") source = Path(source) self.archive_handler = None if source.is_dir():'got a directory path, files in the directory are treated as source files') file_paths: List[FileHandler] = sorted(FileHandler(p) for p in source.glob(f'**/*') if p.is_file()) elif ArchiveHandler.is_supported_path(source):'got an archive file path, files in the archive are treated as source files') self.archive_handler = ArchiveHandler(source) file_paths: List[FileHandler] = sorted(FileHandler(Path(p)) for p in self.archive_handler.members) elif source.is_file():'got a single file path, this file is treated as a source file') file_paths: List[FileHandler] = [FileHandler(source)] else: raise ValueError(f'document source: {source} not found') self.did2pkls = {file.path.stem: file for file in file_paths if file.content_basename.endswith(pickle_ext)} if n_jobs == -1: self.n_jobs = os.cpu_count() elif n_jobs >= 0: self.n_jobs = n_jobs else: raise ValueError(f'n_jobs must be >= 0 or -1, but got {n_jobs}') if self.n_jobs > 0 and self.archive_handler is not None:'Multiprocessing with archive is too slow, so it is disabled') 'Running without multiprocessing can be relatively slow, consider unarchiving the input file in advance' ) self.n_jobs = 0 with ( if self.archive_handler else nullcontext()) as archive: args_iter = ( (self, file, did_from_sid, archive) for file in file_paths if file.content_basename.endswith(knp_ext) ) if self.n_jobs > 0: with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.n_jobs) as executor: rets: Iterable[Dict[str, str]] =, *zip(*args_iter)) else: rets: List[Dict[str, str]] = [KyotoReader.read_knp(*args) for args in args_iter] self.did2knps: Dict[str, str] = dict(ChainMap(*rets)) self.doc_ids: List[str] = sorted(set(self.did2knps.keys()) | set(self.did2pkls.keys())) self.target_cases: Collection[str] = self._get_targets(target_cases, ALL_CASES, 'case') self.target_corefs: Collection[str] = self._get_targets(target_corefs, ALL_COREFS, 'coref') self.relax_cases: bool = relax_cases self.extract_nes: bool = extract_nes self.use_pas_tag: bool = use_pas_tag self.knp_ext: str = knp_ext self.pickle_ext: str = pickle_ext
[docs] def read_knp(self, file: FileHandler, did_from_sid: bool, archive: Optional[ArchiveFile] = None, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Read KNP format file that is located at the specified path. The file can contain multiple documents. Args: file (FileHandler): A file handler indicating a path to a KNP format file. did_from_sid (bool): If True, determine the document ID from the sentence ID in the document. archive (Optional[ArchiveFile]): An archive to read the document from. Returns: Dict[str, str]: A mapping from a document ID to a KNP format string. """ if archive is not None: with self.archive_handler.open_member(archive, str(file.path)) as f: return self._read_knp(io.TextIOWrapper(f, encoding='utf-8'), file.path, did_from_sid) else: with'rt') as f: return self._read_knp(f, file.path, did_from_sid)
@staticmethod def _read_knp(file: TextIO, path: Path, did_from_sid: bool ) -> Dict[str, str]: buff = '' did = sid = None did2knps = {} for line in file: if line.startswith('# S-ID:') and did_from_sid: sid_string = line[7:].strip().split()[0] match = SID_PTN_KWDLC.match( sid_string) or SID_PTN.match(sid_string) if match is None: raise ValueError( f'unsupported S-ID format: {sid_string} in {path}') if did !='did') or sid =='sid'): if did is not None: did2knps[did] = buff buff = '' did ='did') sid ='sid') buff += line if did_from_sid is False: did = path.stem if did is not None and buff: did2knps[did] = buff else: logger.warning(f'empty file found and skipped: {path}') return did2knps @staticmethod def _get_targets(input_: Optional[Collection], all_: Collection[Any], type_: str, ) -> Collection[Any]: """Return a list of known relations.""" if input_ is None: return all_ target = [] for item in input_: if item not in all_: logger.warning(f'unknown target {type_}: {item}') continue target.append(item) return target
[docs] def process_document(self, doc_id: str, archive: Optional[ArchiveFile] = None ) -> Optional[Document]: """Process one document following the given document ID. Args: doc_id (str): An ID of a document to process. archive (Optional[ArchiveFile]): An archive to read the document from. """ if doc_id in self.did2pkls: if archive is not None: with self.archive_handler.open_member(archive, str(self.did2pkls[doc_id].path)) as f: return pickle.load(f) else: with self.did2pkls[doc_id].open(mode='rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) elif doc_id in self.did2knps: return Document(self.did2knps[doc_id], doc_id, self.target_cases, self.target_corefs, self.relax_cases, self.extract_nes, self.use_pas_tag) else: logger.error(f'unknown document id: {doc_id}') return None
[docs] def process_documents(self, doc_ids: Iterable[str], n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Optional[Document]]: """Process multiple documents following the given document IDs. Args: doc_ids (List[str]): IDs of documents to process. n_jobs (int): The number of processes spawned to finish this task. (default: inherit from self) """ if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = self.n_jobs elif n_jobs == -1: n_jobs = os.cpu_count() elif n_jobs < -1: raise ValueError(f'n_jobs must be >= 0 or -1, but got {n_jobs}') if self.archive_handler is not None: assert n_jobs == 0 with ( if self.archive_handler else nullcontext()) as archive: process_document = partial(KyotoReader.process_document, self, archive=archive) if n_jobs > 0: with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_jobs) as executor: rets: Iterable[Optional[Document]] =, doc_ids) else: rets: Iterable[Optional[Document]] = map(process_document, doc_ids) return list(rets)
[docs] def process_all_documents(self, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Optional[Document]]: """Process all documents that KyotoReader has loaded. Args: n_jobs (int): The number of processes spawned to finish this task. (default: inherit from self) """ return self.process_documents(self.doc_ids, n_jobs)
def __len__(self): return len(self.doc_ids) def __getitem__(self, doc_id: str) -> Document: return self.process_document(doc_id)